A quick and easy solution for companies with less than 200 W-2's to issue in a year

Payroll comes with a full-color printed manual and a deluxe cloth binder

Payroll for Windows®

Need a quick, easy and cost-effective way to process your company or client's payroll? Is accuracy important to you? Do you want a payroll system that puts you in charge? Then you need our value-priced Payroll for Windows®. Payroll is a powerful, extremely easy-to-use software program. It automates your weekly, biweekly, semimonthly and monthly payroll of up to 200 employees. Payroll is also a multi-year processor. Gone are the days of rushing to complete your W-2's before the first payroll of a new year. With Payroll, you can start the new year before you process your W-2's.

Price: $125.00
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  Payroll for Windows® - A quick and easy solution for companies with less than 200 W-2's to issue in a year


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