The 1099 Package for Windows® with Electronic Filing
Item Number: W107C
* Whole number only
Whenever you
have more than a specific number of recipients of any given information
return, the IRS requires you to submit these information returns
electronically on their F.I.R.E. system over the internet. The IRS sets
this specific number of recipients (or threshold) from time to time.
However, most
people are unaware that there is no lower limit for a disk file. Files
can contain as few as one recipient! You can also put many different
forms and filers on the same disk. The IRS will even send certain 1099
information to participating states for you (certain conditions apply),
saving you the cost and effort of sending paper copies to the state.
filing is also remarkably faster than filing by paper because you write
to a disk instead of printing out forms. This means there are no forms
to change in your printer and no special forms to buy. There is no 1096
to prepare and no other documentation required. Indeed, filing
electronically is the best way to go, providing you have the right
tools. Additional InformationClick here for specifications and system requirements
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